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World Bicycle Day June 3 2022

This June 3 (Saturday) is World Bicycle Day. Come and celebrate with us!


CCA is promoting this day as a special one, and we encourage everyone to find a way to add a bit of bicycle spice for the occasion. We have prepared a list of recommendations for this day. We also plan to be active on media and social media.


For all event related questions and to submit your materials please write to or


Short list of what to do!


1.  Hold up a sign or poster supporting  the bicycle (and photograph it)

2. Try to get something published in the local media, and make a lot of noise on social media

3. Post on social media, tagging CCA and using our hashtag suggestions (see below)

4. Document terrible infrastructure (bad for cycling) and demand improvements.


Longer list of ideas


1. Leading up to 3 June, create placards with positive messages about cycling; get people who regularly cycle to take a picture with the placard. These can be shared on social media. If possible also get some short videos of people talking about why they love cycling and their demands for better cycling conditions. Include signs in your local language; when posting, add an English translation.

2. On/near 3 June, organize a bicycle ride or join someone else’s ride.

3. Make white t-shirts with a design on the back, such as: I [picture of bicycle] Capetown [or your city/country name]. Take pictures in front of an iconic place that makes it clear where you are.

4. Decorate bicycles (with biodegradable materials!).

5. Make a pledge for people to sign/repeat, e.g. “I will work for cycle-friendly cities; I will work to reduce cars in our city.”

6. If you are very creative, you can also do street drama/flash mob. Sing your own songs or borrow our special theme song (added below)

7. Make a banner that says “United for Cycle-Friendly Cities” and take a picture with a group of cyclists.

8. Make a photo backdrop that people can stand behind to take a photo with our theme.

9. Try sending an article to the local newspaper that supports cycling. CCA has a customizable article that we're happy to send to you for repurposing.

10. Don't forget to share what you do with CCA. We will share the work of all our allies, and hope our allies will also share what everyone else is doing


Suggested Hashtags


Mention CCA by tagging us with @CarfreeCitiesAlliance







#LetsCycleBangladesh/Nepal/Botswana etc.


# MoreCyclesLessCongestion









Fun Examples








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World Bicycle Day Theme Songs


Song #1 The Cyclists' Prayer

Got my bicycle, I’m ready to go;
Move over cars—you’re way too slow.
Glide down the street burning no fuel,
Saving time and money, sure is cool.
Cyclists on the road occupy little space;
For cars in the city there ain’t no place.
Space-hogging cars get out of my way;
Your smoke and noise make the city gray.
On our cycles we make a better way;
Roll over, motors, this is our day.
On the streets of the city where children play
A new day dawns; for carfree cities I pray.

Song #2 Cycles Save the City


On the streets where the children play
We ride our cycles every day.
Get the cars off the streets, make room for the people,
Complete streets are my church, sustainable transport my steeple.
Got two wheels, I won’t tire;
Don’t own a cycle? Get one on hire.


Ditch the car, grab a cycle, hit the road together,
We’re the same flock, we’re birds of a feather.
We care, we dare, we’ve no excuses to spare
We’re saving our cities from the car’s evil snare.


Cruise down the road smooth as can be
Burning no fuel, feeling ever so free.
Lungs and two legs, that’s all I need
To idle along or to kick up some speed.
Y’all stuck in traffic, I’m weaving on through
No danger to others, green’s what I do.


Ditch the car, grab a cycle, hit the road together,
We’re the same flock, we’re birds of a feather.
We care, we dare, we’ve no excuses to spare
We’re saving our cities from the car’s evil snare.


Parking lots, they’re full of cars;
On our bikes, we’re the stars.
This next revolution is gonna be green;
It’s time to love nature, not some killer machine.
No car for me, on a cycle I’m cool;
Trashing the city I’ll leave to some fool.

Ditch the car, grab a cycle, hit the road together,
We’re the same flock, we’re birds of a feather.
We care, we dare, we’ve no excuses to spare
We’re saving our cities from the car’s evil snare.


You want to be modern, you want to be hip
The space-devouring auto is what you must skip.
Give me a cycle every day,
Give me a cycle any which way.
We’ll show the way to be climate savers,
Lead the way with our cool behaviour.


Ditch the car, grab a cycle, hit the road together,
We’re the same flock, we’re birds of a feather.
We care, we dare, we’ve no excuses to spare
We’re saving our cities from the car’s evil snare.


On my bike I feel free, got the wind in my ears,
Hills are no challenge, that’s why we’ve got gears.
Why pump petrol when I can pump my pedals?
Move through the city without heavy metal.
I’ll skip the traffic, for that got no time,
I’m busy cycling and pitching my rhyme.


Ditch the car, grab a cycle, hit the road together,
We’re the same flock, we’re birds of a feather.
We care, we dare, we’ve no excuses to spare
We’re saving our cities from the car’s evil snare.


We coast by on our Treks and our cruisers
‘Cause burning fuel is for all the losers.
You want to go green?
No fuel can be clean.
If you love Mother Nature
Don’t try to fake her.
With two wheels there’s no reason
To commit climate treason.


Ditch the car, grab a cycle, hit the road together,
We’re the same flock, we’re birds of a feather.
We care, we dare, we’ve no excuses to spare
We’re saving our cities from the car’s evil snare.

© Carfree Cities Alliance 2024

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