We welcome new partners and cherish our network of friends and allies. Being a CCA ally means that your organization is sympathetic to our mission - please read the Carfree Manifesto - and you are open to cooperation and being a part of our network. You can receive our monthly newsletter and will be first in line to be invited to attend our conferences or join us on projects. There is no membership fee.
Please fill out this simple form to add yourself as an ally.
Build Back Better Cities Campaign
Welcome to our website!
On this page we explain how we operate, who we are, and what are goals are. If after reading this page you still have burning questions, or otherwise want to get in touch, please write us at: downtown@carfreealliance.org

We’re committed to shifting the narrative. Because we know that there is a better way
We have a powerful vision for future neighbourhoods, communities, and cities. First and foremost, this involves safe, healthy, nurturing environments that promote socializing and happiness. This would help us to save many lives, enable rich childhoods, create cleaner air, and promote green spaces and vibrant public spaces. Think songbirds, people cheerfully walking or cycling, and families playing together in the streets. Dangerous and polluted streets have been turned into safe, fun, and friendly places.

This is not a utopian vision
There is no earthly reason why we can’t make our cities vastly more liveable. Together we can form a strong network and international alliance, calling for real solutions to climate woes, road crashes, dirty air, and lack of outdoor play spaces. And as we work to achieve our vision, we will have a lot of fun on the way!
Are you on board? Then read on to see how we can do this. We have several tools available and further plans in the pipeline. Working together, we can generate more ideas and put our collective creativity to good work.
The more people who understand and are eager for our vision, the faster we will achieve it.
How do we want to create a bigger impact? Here are some ways:

Advocacy meets planning, research, campaigning, and policy work
New conversations and dialogue about the future of streets and cities: on the individual level and in our respective cities and regions. This is a special effort that we are planning for the near future (stay tuned for the details).
Updated and expanded Toolkit pack: which amounts to a fantastic resource for our network (for free!).
Direct consultations to CCA members: for supporting local initiatives and campaigns.
Thematic working groups for interested members: Find others who share your passion for: cycling, child-friendly cities, carfree streets, action on climate, and more.
Webinar series with great speakers: this is continuing, with a new lineup and lots of sharing of good ideas and best practices.
Network gatherings (online): where people from around the world come together to discuss our favorite topics.
Experts page on our website: this is a new feature being launched, highlighting many of the special people in our network who are making a difference in their community and around the world.
Special events focus: including World Bicycle Day, World Carfree Day, and World Localization Day, with special materials and celebration.
New materials production: this includes educational and promotional materials, toolkits, and more. These can be used and shared broadly. We are also reaching more and more people through our social media accounts as well as our newsletter and email list.
Hybrid internship program (online and in-person): this was recently launched, and it will be repeated a few times a year for interested young people to learn more and become involved.

Here is our offer for you
​We would like to increasingly target mainstream media around the world with our message. This has already been happening regularly in Bangladesh, for example.
As our network grows, so too do opportunities for collaborating, raising our voices together, and creating positive change. The success of our network depends on the involvement of our members. We are excited to have you join us and work together to achieve our practical and inspiring vision for cities!
Please get in touch. You can also directly download our membership form (below) which contains further instructions on how to join the Carfree Cities Alliance. To join the conversation, and for any other questions, contact us at: downtown@carfreealliance.org
To read more about us, see: www.carfreealliance.org/about-the-alliance
Don’t miss our manifesto either! https://www.carfreealliance.org/manifesto
Download our Membership Form: Download our Experts Form:
Send the completed form to downtown@carfreealliance.org, with the subject line "Membership Form" or "Membership+Experts Form".