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Team Bangladesh Activities for World Carfree Day

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Team Bangladesh: Work for a Better Bangladesh (WBB) Trust, Institute of Wellbeing

(IWB), Carfree Cities Alliance Bangladesh (CCAB), Bangladesh Youth Climate Network (BYCN) & partners


This year Team Bangladesh organized several events throughout the month of September to celebrate

PARK(ing) (or Parklet) Day and especially World Car Free Day.



"Imagine for a moment our city

without cars, but with high-quality

public transport, people zipping by

on bicycles, others on foot.

Imagine what you would hear, see, 

and smell."


- from the article by Debra Efroymson, in the Daily Star (see below)

Postcard campaign

IWB, CCAB and BYCN enlisted school and university students, as well as others, to write postcards to

government officials with messages about controlling rather than subsidizing cars; to reduce fuel use by

promoting walking and use of bicycles; and to reduce traffic fatalities, air pollution, noise pollution, and

time-killing traffic jams. Team Bangladesh set up a plan to give the postcards to local government

officials in October. In addition, we have delivered postcards among the 20 Mayors of Bangladesh.

Talk shows

Team Bangladesh organized five talk shows for World Carfree Day. IWB organized a talk show on

parklets with the winners of a parklet design contest. WBB Trust organized a talk show on Car Free

Streets with school students. They also organized a talk show with planners to discuss carfree cities.


IWB organized a talk show with students of the Asian University for Women who have completed an

internship at IWB, to discuss carfree streets, in English. They organized a second talk show with students

of the Asian University for Women who have completed an internship at IWB to discuss various

advantages of carfree cities: less pollution, fewer road crashes, less congestion, less fuel use, more

affordable housing, and healthier and happier people, in Bangla.


The talk shows were all broadcast on Facebook live.

PARKing Day and World Carfree Day social media campaigns

IWB and WBB Trust organized social media campaigns on Facebook to raise awareness about PARK(ing) or Parklet Day. We highlighted that we want less car parking and more public space for children to play outdoors; we want more parklets instead of car parking.


IWB and WBB Trust organized social media campaigns on Facebook to raise awareness about World Carfree Day and to publicize their different events.

Walking and cycling rallies

WBB Trust organized a walking rally in conjunction with various school students and youths. The goal of the rally was promoting walking to reduce use of cars and fuel. Children and teachers from several schools attended.


WBB Trust organized a colorful cycle rally to remind people of the importance of cycling for transport every day of the year, in order to have more livable cities.

Open Street Event

IWB organized an Open Street Event where many youths, children and community elders joined. The program included various games, activities, and a fun quiz on carfree cities. Children and adults alike enjoyed playing pillow pass, smash the clay pot, racing with a marble on a teaspoon, and biscuit catch, among others. The hours-long event attracted a huge crowd and publicized how much better our cities could be if we reclaim public space from private cars. The community elders expressed an interest to host more such events in the future.


1. Bangladesh Cycle Lane Bastobayon Parishod

2. Pratyasha Anti-Drugs Club

3. Rayerbazar School, Dhaka

4. Dhaka Ideal School and College

5. Dhanmondi Tourism Cyclist

6. The Bangladesh Anti-Tobacco Alliance

7. Leo Club of Dhaka Oasis

8. Female Cyclers of Bangladesh

9. Surjo Shishir Runners Bangladesh

10. Ali Hossain High Girls School

11. Kochi Kontho High School

12. Cayatol Bangladesh

13. South East University of Bangladesh

14. Asia Pacific University of Bangladesh

15. People University of Bangladesh

16. Asha University of Bangladesh

17. Mohammadi Housing Society Mohammadpur

18. Skating-71

19. Mohammadi Housing Society Club

News coverage

Overall, we got a good number of media coverage for our programs.


  • For cycle rally: 11 online, 10 print media and 1 TV channel

  • For talk show: 6 online 3 print media

  • For walking rally: 22 online, 6 print media, 1 TV channel

  • For the open street events: 7 online, 3 print media


The Executive Director of IWB Debra Efroymson and the Policy Officer IWB, Masum Billah Bhuyan wrote articles for World Car Free Day 2022.

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