We welcome new partners and cherish our network of friends and allies. Being a CCA ally means that your organization is sympathetic to our mission - please read the Carfree Manifesto - and you are open to cooperation and being a part of our network. You can receive our monthly newsletter and will be first in line to be invited to attend our conferences or join us on projects. There is no membership fee.
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Build Back Better Cities Campaign

Unique Qualities

A carfree city would deliver the highest quality of life for urban residents. A carfree city has significant advantages over other possibilities such as car-lite,shared-space, or traffic-calmed settings. No other model can deliver such superior results with such significant cost savings.
Cars require a huge amount of space and represent a danger to those moving by other means. Even car-lite areas still require an immense amount of resources and investment to maintain. Allowing cars means that humans will always be squeezed to the margins. Carfree spaces provide livability far surpassing other, partial “solutions.”