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Women's Cycling Network in Latin America

Vivian Garelli

28 mei 2023

Cicletada de las Ninas

The “Cicletada de las Ninas” is an international event that brings together women from Latin American countries to cycle. The initiative started in Chile in 2018 and was followed by groups in several countries. (@cicletadadelasninas).

In 2023, the cycle event happened in March and April, in honor of International Women's Day. The events took place in 16 cities in eight countries, in addition to ten cities in Brazil, which were organized by Bike Anjas, the women of the Bike Anjo network. What was on the menu? There were bike mechanic workshops, bicycle tours, conversation circles, group warm-up and stretching, picnics, lectures, and many more activities!

Here you can learn more about what took place in the ten cities across Brazil.

Niterói, Rio de Janeiro
Date: March 25

Bicycle rides took place at a leisurely pace along the shoreline of the city. Activities of the Women's Secretariat included shows, fun stuff like massages and haircuts, and also administrative-legal support (a common service of regularizing one’s legal situation). There was a bike mechanic workshop for basic repairs and a conversation circle with practical advice for safer and more comfortable cycling. Partnerships: city hall: @niteroidebicicleta @mulheresniteroi @nittrans_

Teresina, Piauí
Date: April 15

There was a bike ride for beginners, a picnic, and a lecture by the female athletes from @theaugebikeshop on the benefits of cycling; finally raffle prizes for participants. Support @theaugebikeshop @bikeanjoteresina @lalescasetubal

Brasília, Federal District
Date: March 26

Here support and guidance was offered for everyday cycling. These included also workshops and conversation circles.

São Paulo, São Paulo
Date: March 19

Picnic at Parque Vila Lobos, stencil workshop with the sisters from @montamona.sp and we ended the day with bike mechanic recommendations. We had women of different ages and social backgrounds cycling together. Our collective dream is to ensure that all women can ride their bikes around the city, and have meeting places for them and their children.

Campina Grande, Paraíba
Date: 03/25

Hello girls!!! We started the day with the program of the wonderful IV Festival Viva Mulheres, which was organized by @leiamulherescg and followed by a leisurely bike ride through the city only for WOMEN and featuring a bicycle enhanced as a music machine – with a specially created soundtrack for the ride.

Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais
Date: 03/26

For the 1st time in “BH” together with “Monta Mona”, with the support of @tercadasmanas - we invited all girls, women and dissidents (trans or other marginalized gender categories) to an incredible afternoon.

Belém, Pará
Date: 03/18

This year, Bike Anjos and Pedala, Mana! They invited all girls, women and dissidents to pedal, pace and ride, occupying the streets with our bikes. After the tour we had a collective picnic and a conversation circle, in which we discussed: "Challenges of women who use the bicycle as their main means of transport.”

Natal, Rio Grande do Norte
Date: 04/15

In Cicletada de Las Ninãs this year, a group of women and children attended the bike ride and the conversation circle.

Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
Date: 01/04

The Minasnapixxta promoted a meeting at the “Tiradentes Cultural” fair, which began with the serigraphy (screen printing) workshop "Vem pra Luta Amada"(come to the love combat) followed by a collaborative bike mechanic workshop for basic repairs, and a bike ride through downtown area. Support: CCD – Carioca Design Center, CRAB – Sebrae Reference Center for Brazilian Crafts,

EMVL – Villa Lobos Music School, CRAB-SEBRAE, Centro Unido, Subprefecture of Rio de Janeiro, Municipal Department of Urban Planning (SMPU) and Rio Heritage Institute (IRPH). (@tiradentescultural)

Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul
Date: 03/26

We cycled to the Bike Anjo house and organized a women's bike ride to Açorianos Square. Also, a picnic took place where we had a conversation circle to exchange experiences about "Women, bicycles and the city", and a playground for the children to play with good music. There were many free activities for women and children.

Other Cities / Countries where the Cicletada took place

Buenos Aires, Argentina

San Carlos de Bariloche / Argentina

Medellín / Colombia

Villavicencio/ Colombia

Hualpen / Chile

Putaendo/ Chile

Putaendo / Chile

Valparaiso / Chile

Antofagasta / Chile

Puerto Williams / Chile


Calama / Chile

Morelos/ Mexico

Santo Domingo / Dominican Republic

San Jose / Costa Rica

Ecuador/ Quito

Learn more at: (@cicletadadelasninas).

For more about CCA ally Bike Anjo and the Brazilian network, please visit

© Carfree Cities Alliance 2024

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