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CCA Statutes


Article 1

Mission Statement

The Carfree Cities Alliance supports an international network of people and organizations working on creating livable cities. The overarching objective is to help cities to transition from automobile-based planning to people-focused planning by providing expertise and tools to achieve their vision.

Article 2

Management Team

a) The term “Management Team” refers to those currently serving on the Management Team.


b) The initial Management Team of CCA consisted of individuals who were present at the inaugural meeting in Dhaka, Bangladesh in April 2018 to establish a fresh organization to carry on the legacy of the carfree movement.


c) Appointment: New members of the Management Team may be appointed by consent of the entire current Management Team.


d) Number: The minimum number serving on the Management Team is three, the maximum is seven.


e) All decisions are made by consensus of the entire Management Team.


f) Removal: A Management Team member may be removed by consent of the rest of the Management Team for causing significant harm to CCA or for being non-responsive for six consecutive months.


g) Resignation: A Management Team member may resign at any time in writing to any other Management Team member.

Article 3


a) CCA is coordinated by the Management Team who make decisions for the organization through consensus.


b) CCA does not have a membership structure. Thus there is no voting body or membership fee.


c) CCA’s Management Team coordinates its international programs that serve local organizations who function independently, yet with possible support by or cooperation with CCA or other affiliated organizations.


d) Affiliated organizations may not make changes to the mission, aims or structure of CCA. This pertains also to any funders of CCA.


e) CCA shall only accept funding from those organizations who share the mission of CCA and who do not ask CCA to carry out activities that go against its mission or principles.


f) CCA follows a calendar year: January 1 through December 31.

© Carfree Cities Alliance 2024

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